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What We do

We aim to provide the best architect and engineer professional liability services.

Our staff of professionals is dedicated to the provision of prompt, accurate service to our clientele. The Professional Liability of architectural and engineering firms is a unique area requiring its own group of services. While some of these are germane to all of our clients, many are specific to this type of profession. We, at Chester & Associates, LLC, recognize the special requirements of the Professional Liability exposure, as defined by our clients. The following is a summary of those efforts which we put forward:
Ongoing contract review, specifically with regard to “Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreements” (samples provided on request).
General policy endorsement and maintenance.
Certificate issuance (same day as requested) with copies and confirmations to all interested parties.
Arrange and coordinate Professional Practice Seminars at Client’s request.
When client deems it appropriate, we will assist in the selection of defense counsel.
Provide Loss Information and Reserve up-dates on regular basis.
Review and follow-up on claims, as necessary.
Project policies negotiated, when necessary.
Serve as liaison between client and underwriter for the handling and coverage of new exposures as they become apparent (i.e. special limits/deductibles for specific projects).
Aggressive marketing of account at discretion of client, except when to do so would jeopardize future negotiations.